In 1305, Chu Chu (秋適), who was a scholar of Minbu Sangseo and Yemungwandaejehak, wrote a compilation of proverbs and famous phrases from ancient Chinese sages in 1305.It consists of 19 chapters and has been compiled covering the complex ideas of Yu, Bul-seon.Considered one of the representative textbooks for elementary school in the Joseon Dynasty, Simimsim Bogam is a classic that still breathes with the lives of Koreans to this day.Its status would not have been possible if it was simply composed of easy sentences and only played a role in helping students learn Chinese.The precious words and writings of our ancestors contained in concise sentences help to cultivate character, and furthermore, as a proverb in life, even now, many people have been taught.The Chinese characters were translated into Korean and the meanings contained in the sentences were interpreted in an easy-to-understand manner.It is an easy-to-use app for anyone.